martedì 19 luglio 2011

Once - When your mind's made up

Uno dei più bei film degli ultimi anni...





if you ever want something

and your call comes

then I'll come running

to fight

and I'll be at your door

when there's nothing

worth running for

when your mind's made up

when your mind's made up

there's no point trying to change it

when your mind's made up

when your mind's made up

there's no point trying to stop it

you see

you're just like everyone

when the shit falls

all you want to do is run


and hide all by yourself

when it's far from

there's nothing else

when your mind's made up

when your mind's made up

there's no point trying to change it

when your mind's made up

when your mind's made up

there's no point even talking

when your mind's made up

when your mind's made up

there's no point trying to fight it

when your mind's

your mind's

there's no point trying to change it


if you ever want something

when your call comes

then I'll come running

gE('songlyrics').innerHTML = gE('songlyrics_h').innerHTML;
if (typeof startSignatureInsert === 'function')


2 commenti:

kammi ha detto...

Ok, mai visto il film ma forse ne vale la pena...  metto in lista! :)

Kurandera ha detto...

Vale veramente la pena!!!!!!! E' diverso da ogni altro film che abbia mai visto, sia per le tecniche di ripresa, le scelte stilistiche eccetera, che per la storia...